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To create a verification form, navigate to the Verification Forms section and click Create New. Start by providing a name and description for the form. Customise settings like callback URLs, redirection after form completion, and domain customisation. You can also add Google Tag Manager and Tracking IDs for analytics purposes.
Yes. You can select the languages for the form, and it will automatically adapt to the applicant's browser language. You can also choose which countries’ documents to accept by selecting the place of document issue rather than the applicant’s IP address.
In Technical Settings, you can configure notification options. Switch on the settings to send a callback when a verification is created, include applicant data in the callback, and email re-verification links if needed.
In the Rules section, you can set a minimum age limit, define the number of allowed verification attempts, and block multiple accounts or duplicate documents. You can also block devices that have been previously used for verification.
Switch on the Block Retries option to prevent applicants from reapplying if they were previously marked as a duplicate, declined for being underage, or flagged for using restricted documents or submitting fake information.
Yes. You can enable email notifications for both applicants and customers under the Notification section. You can also enable mandatory email collection during the verification process.
Verification steps allow you to create a customised verification flow. You can add necessary steps such as document submission and liveness checks, and all flows must include a document step. Navigate to Manage Verification Steps to set this up.
Yes. Enable Data Extraction to automatically extract information from documents. You can also allow manual input by enabling the Input Field and marking it as mandatory.
In the Document section, select the document type you accept, enable second side verification, and set up data extraction. You can also enable options for file uploading and document pre-processing to detect fraud.
Liveness verification ensures the applicant is present. You can choose between active liveness (head movement instructions), passive liveness (blinks and smiles), or static selfies. You can also configure the face-matching threshold for automatic or manual review.
Enable Tax ID Data Extraction to automatically pull information from a tax document. You can also set up tax ID pre-processing to validate the data before the applicant proceeds.
Select the address verification type and enable file uploading for document submission. You can also disable fields for manual entry and allow the system to extract address details directly from an identity document.
Source of Funds verification allows you to verify the applicant’s income source, annual income amount, and purpose of the transaction. Enable these options in the Source of Funds section, where you can also allow applicants to upload documents for proof.
You can configure the Video Quiz for secure video verification. Select who will review the recorded video, set the time limit for each question, and choose up to five custom questions in your preferred language.
Yes. You can enable file uploading for bank card verification or require the applicant to present their card on camera. Use document pre-processing to eliminate fraud before the applicant completes the verification.
You can screen applicants through selected databases or lists by turning on the necessary switches in the Database Screening section. This includes checking for matches against blacklists and other databases.
In the Verification Forms section, choose the Questionnaire step. You can create questions with free answers, multiple choice, or dropdown options. Define the validation rules for free answers and ensure fields are correctly set up for system processing.
You can view verification results in the Verifications and Applicants sections of the Analytics panel. You can filter by date, status, form, or country, and generate downloadable reports.
Go to the Billing section, click Add to Balance, and enter the desired amount. Select the payment type and complete the process. You can also check payment records and download billing reports for specific time ranges.
Yes. Navigate to the Monitoring section and configure document expiration and database monitoring. Enter the URL for notifications and choose your preferred monitoring types.
Go to the API Keys section on the main panel. Copy an existing key or generate a new one by selecting the environment (test or production). Use the provided key for integration.
In the Teams section, you can add new members by entering their email address and selecting a role. Choose from Admin, Developer, Analyst, or Compliance Manager depending on the access required.
If you need assistance, contact our support team at [email protected] or join our client support group on WhatsApp, Telegram, or Slack (if we already created it with you).
To enable an additional verification step for an existing applicant, ensure the Applicant ID is added when creating the link.