Digital Fraud Trends: An Overview

5 min read
Digital Fraud Trends: An Overview

Cyber fraud has become the primary concern for businesses and individuals with the growth of digital transactions. To withstand that threat, anti-money laundering procedures and compliance protocols have been created. For entities in every industry is essential to stay updated on the upcoming fraudulent trends to protect themselves and their customers effectively. This article provides an overview of the illicit financial fraud landscape report provided by the FATF in partnership with Interpol and the Egmont group. The report highlights three key areas that should be focused on to productively fight cyber-enabled fraud and associated money laundering. Additionally, it outlines risk indicators and provides valuable recommendations for anti-fraud measures and controls that can assist organizations in detecting and preventing cyber-enabled fraud as well as money laundering. By addressing these priority areas and implementing the suggested measures, entities can enhance their ability to combat these crimes effectively.

In addressing common cyber fraud (CEF) tactics, the FATF focused on the usage of shell companies and individual accomplices. Criminals often recruit these accomplices through job applications and social media. In instances of online commerce fraud, these front companies can also be used to create accounts at points of sale to process payments and transfers from affected parties.

Unmasking The Key Cues of Fraud and Their Strategic Measures

There are several key points for indicating the risks like the unusual activity involving virtual assets from peer-to-peer wallets associated with the platform or abnormalities in online behavior, including delays in data entry, and multiple failed login attempts.

According to the official UK Government Sources, online fraud, also known as cybercrime, is all crimes that take place online, happen with the use of computers, and\or are assisted by online technologies.

Questioning the identity of the account user

Users attempting to conceal their identity may employ various tactics. This includes the use of shared, falsified, stolen, or altered identification details, such as addresses, telephone numbers, or emails. Additionally, suspicious activities might manifest as frequent changes to contact information post-account creation.

Another indicator of concern is the use of email addresses that don't align with the account holder's name or a pattern of similar emails linked to multiple accounts. Profile irregularities, like shared credentials across different accounts, also raise red flags.

Observing online behavior provides crucial clues. Unusual patterns like hesitation during data entry, delays in keystrokes, signs of automation, or repeated failed login attempts warrant attention.

Entities associated with jurisdictions no longer actively engaged, such as overseas students' accounts post-study, should be monitored closely. Similarly, watch for IP addresses or GPS coordinates stemming from high-risk money laundering zones. Suspicion should also arise from the use of virtual private networks (VPNs), compromised devices like IoT devices, or hosting companies concealing a user's true IP address.

Furthermore, multiple IP addresses or electronic devices tied to a single online account, or multiple account holders associated with a single static IP address or electronic device, hint at suspicious activity. Remote account access via computer ports used by applications like TeamViewer can obscure device and location details.

Excessively fast keystrokes or navigation may signify potential bot control over an account, warranting further investigation.

Dubious transactions activity

The core elements for pointing out the potential risks also can be transfers of funds to and from high-risk money laundering jurisdictions, large frequent transactions with recently established companies and/or whose main activities are not consistent with the activities carried out by the beneficiary or transaction instructions direct payment to a known beneficiary; however, the beneficiary’s account information is different from what was previously used.

The solution to this problem is to launch the Know Your Business service which consists of verifying if a company is involved in illegal activities, money laundering, financing of illegal organizations, or conducting suspicious financial transactions.

Additional cases related to risk indicators can be found in the FATF/OECD, Interpol, and Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units report.

While a single indicator may not necessarily raise suspicion of cyber-enabled fraud, the identification of additional indicators should prompt further monitoring and examination by compliance staff.


  1. Encourage collaboration and cooperation among members of compliance teams by eliminating barriers or divisions that may hinder communication or information sharing
  2. Foster partnership across public and private sectors, both domestically and internationally.
  3. Solidify detection and prevention through increased awareness, vigilance, and streamlined reporting.

For this purpose, companies should guarantee that their compliance teams are adept at identifying the risk indicators emphasized in the FATF's report.

Entities might also assess their continual surveillance methods to ensure their system can identify and thwart deceptive transactions in distinct cybercrime situations. This might involve devising custom rulesets in their transaction monitoring and fraud detection solutions to more effectively spot prevalent patterns of deceitful conduct they might be especially vulnerable to.

Finding the best Anti Money Laundering Solution

Integrating automated compliance solution that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies can bring a significant advantage to securing one’s business. These technologies can enhance efficiency, and effectiveness and accelerate customer experience processes, ensuring the company meets international and local regulations and mitigates all possible risks.

Perks of Implementing AML and KYC Solutions

Automatic solutions

One key advantage of collaborating with KYC compliance providers is the ability to automate manual tasks. AI algorithms can analyze large volumes of data quickly and accurately, reducing the need for manual intervention. This saves time and resources while improving the accuracy of compliance checks and reducing the risk of human error.

Detection of Fraudulent Activities

AI and ML technologies can also improve the detection of fraudulent activities and suspicious transactions. These technologies can analyze patterns and anomalies in data to identify potential risks and flag them for further investigation. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, identity verification providers can continuously learn and adapt to new threats, staying one step ahead of fraudsters.

Advanced Technologies

Furthermore, a proper KYC anti-money laundering procedure enables businesses to benefit from advanced customer verification techniques. These technologies can verify identities through biometrics, such as facial recognition, enhancing the security of online transactions and preventing identity theft. In addition to verifying standard information, verification through a liveness check or video call with a compliance expert can add a significant security layer.

Compliance with Regulatory Requirements

Moreover, digital identity verification technologies can ensure compliance with changing regulatory requirements. These technologies can be automatically updated with compliance rules and algorithms, ensuring that businesses stay up to date with evolving regulations. This saves time and effort in manually updating compliance processes, kyc procedures and reduces the risk of non-compliance penalties.

Complex Approach to KYC Policies

However, when transitioning to a KYC or AML provider, it's important as well to have human resources to verify special cases. So, when the system can't handle specific points, the process automatically goes to a compliance manager who can detect and resolve the problem.

One significant benefit of KYCAID services is that in cases where automatic verification is declined due to a match found in screening databases, it's escalated to a manager for review and double-checking. Specifically during the Source of Funds verification, our compliance manager steps in to manually verify the provided documents, ensuring that the applicant doesn't pose any risk to your business.

Integrating automated compliance solution that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies can bring a significant advantage to securing one’s business. These technologies can enhance efficiency, effectiveness and accelerate customer experience processes, ensuring the company meets international and local regulations and mitigates all possible risks, enables real-time monitoring and reporting, and ensures compliance with changing regulations. By leveraging these technologies in the AML procedure of digital identity verification, entities can streamline their compliance operations and improve risk management, ultimately safeguarding their reputation and financial well-being.